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Extensive Organizational Experience

Created in October 2007, Purdy Group has consistently positioned itself to perform services at a wide variety of federal departments and agencies. Our company sets itself clearly apart from competitors as we strive to deliver competitive advantages for our clients and partners in all circumstances.

Knowing and understanding the business-critical nature of multifaceted organizations, and how those collective, unique attributes create the often elusive “big picture” Purdy Group captures the visions of clients in order to provide services that go above and beyond expectations. Exemplifying a culture of solution based services, Purdy Group has past performance and qualifications at various agencies, such as:

Commander, Navy Installations Command

Department of Defense

Department of Health and Human Services

Department of Justice

Department of the Interior

Department of the Navy

Department of State

Drug Enforcement Administration

Federal Aviation Administration

Federal Transit Administration
Navy Enterprise Resource Planning
Office of Personnel Management

Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army
Office of the Under Secretary of Defense
Pentagon Force Protection Agency
US Fish and Wildlife Services
US Food and Drug Administration
Walter Reed Army Institute of Research

Executive Experience

As founder, president and CEO of Purdy Group LLC, Dr. Frank Purdy provides a wealth of knowledge and leadership gained throughout his professional career. While working as a Navy Supply Corps Commander, Dr. Purdy gained hands-on extensive experience in logistics, contracting, business & financial management, weapon system acquisition, and installation management support. Holding submarine & surface warfare qualifications, along with two DAWIA level 3 certifications in acquisition logistics & BFM, Dr. Purdy has proven performance under pressure. The balance between quality and cost is often difficult to find, leading many organizations to overspend on crucial projects. With a Masters in Business Administration, Masters in Public Administration, and a Doctorate in Strategic Leadership, Dr. Purdy maintains operations in the most lean and efficient way possible, all while providing superior quality to clients. Dr. Purdy’s experiences have resulted in an executive mission focused on wisdom and integrity, providing leverage for leaders through competitive pricing and unparalleled quality.

Operational Experience

Our professionals have strong business, technical, financial, engineering, government, and military backgrounds with considerable experience in successfully solving multi-dimensional problems in: government agencies, military organizations, publicly traded businesses, large utilities, high technology companies, and venture funded start-up companies. Their diverse set of real-life experiences ensures that tasks are completed successfully, and only the best options are presented for consideration.

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